What are client credentials in OAuth 2.0 ?
It is a string value that contains a token. The token is sufficient for a resource to allow access to.
What is it used for?
OAuth is used for either user to API or app to API authentication to resources protected by the API.
Is it only for temporary Access?
  • An OAuth 2.0 access token is a string that grants temporary access to an API.
  • An OAuth 2.0 server to server token allows long lived access.
How does it work?
Each token comes with a scope. The scope defines what actions (Read, Read Write….) it is allowed to do with the API.
e.g. – Calling BigQuery API – Use Request Header to insert Token
Set the token in the Authorization request header with the value Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN.
Client (Registered Client) Types
Client Credentials Flow
This is a specific type of OAuth use case that allows servers (apps on servers) to request tokens without involving human users.
The client_id and client_secret (provided during app registration) are exchanged for an access token.
This is typically a long lived token. There is no refresh token here – the app simply re-requests a new access token on expiry.
How exactly is the access token passed?
Either through the HTTP Authorization header or a query parameter. The exact option is determined by the API support.
BigQuery API Example
Using BigQuery as an example, these are sample scopes and authorization header

Set the token in the Authorization request header with the value Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

Client Credentials Access Token Scope
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery.insertdata Insert data into Google BigQuery
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery.readonly View your data in Google BigQuery
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform.read-only View your data across Google Cloud Platform services
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control Manage your data and permissions in Google Cloud Storage
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only View your data in Google Cloud Storage
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write Manage your data in Google Cloud Storage