OAuth 2.0 Basics – Client Credentials Flow
What are client credentials in OAuth ? It is a string value that contains a token. The token is sufficient for a resource to allow access to. What is it…
The purpose of a JWT is NOT to encrypt data during transport (that’s SSL). JWT, using hashes, allows the receiving party to trust that the received data was not modified…
B2C Portal Login, B2C Guest Users
Some Key Points about the AAD B2C Tenant (Also read B2B Partner Identities in AAD ) B2c Is designed for EXTERNALLY facing apps that have their own app specific logins…
Infor SSO using STS
For cloud SaaS apps, SSO is trivial - simply configure the corresponding Enteprise App in AAD - and configure SSO in there. What if you have Infor Web Apps hosted…
B2B Partner Identities in Azure AD
xAlso Read B2C Portal Login and B2C Guest Users Overview of Partner Users in Azure AD Partners are treated a little differently from Vendors (and other external users). Typically, a…
Graph API
Graph API is used for all AAD related querying. Since all SaaS products (O365, Dynamics) use AAD, their internal data can also be queried using MS Graph. In addition, certain…
Dev Test Environments in Azure AD
For Office 365 - Built in Support to create a dev/test environment, as discussed here.
Migrate existing Active Directory users to Azure B2B and B2C Tenants
When migrating your existing user identities from Active Directory to Azure Ad, one of the more common scenarios that presents itself is that of existing b2b users and b2c users…
SCIM based User Provisioning in Azure AD – Real World Notes
What is SCIM? Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard for enabling automatic provisioning of users and groups from Azure AD or Okta Universal Directory to another SaaS application ( Salesforce, )…
AAD connect cloud sync vs AD Connect regular sync support for multi valued attributes
When migrating users from AD (on premises) to AAD, one has two options - AAD Cloud Sync (mostly configured in the cloud - lightweight agents needed on data center) and…